Friday, May 11, 2007

Do Not Call Me

Years ago, when I read about the advent of the "Do Not Call" list, I signed up on the spot. This was instituted before the Bush administration got hold of things. Well, since today I've gotten three sales calls, and five or six this week, I wondered if the Bushites hadn't dismantled the process. But no. I went to the Do Not Call Registry site and found out that you have to re-frigging-register every five years. God forbid you should miss getting sales calls after five years of being annoyance-free. Maybe they think you get nostalgic or something. "Oh gee, I miss those irritating sales calls, flogging a bunch of overpriced crap that they think I'm too stupid to go out and buy without a lot of telephone nagging. I repent of my signing on to the Do Not Call Registry!"

So I re-registered today. They have 31 days to stop me from getting sales calls. I'm counting.

By the way, the registry site is:

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