Monday, July 07, 2008

New Economics Foundation

A friend in Britain sent me the link to this site: If we have anything like it here, I'd like to know about it.
I joined the New American Dream community (, but I don't see the kind of commitment to a less materialistic ethos in addition to a more sustainable lifestyle that is immediately visible on NEF's home page:
nef is an independent 'think and do' tank. We believe in economics as if people and the planet mattered.
Check out ghost town Britain's succinct statement on the effect of large corporate one-size-fits-all stores on local economies. It's the same here, only nobody seems to find anything wrong with it. (

We feel entitled to our vast national riches when we ought to feel blessed and behave like gluttons when we ought to be stewards.

1 comment:

gladdog said...

I was checking Margery Allingham blogs and came across anti globalisation, and to be quite frank, I have to agree with most of your sentiments. The U.K.s towns and particularly its villages are losing their identity and character, all for the sake of the big supermarkets. Anyway it is nearly midnight here and I would like to thankyou for allowing me to exercise my brain today.